
The dissemination strategy involves internal mutual recognition within the OCCAM network and external dissemination strategies to academic and non-academic audiences.

OCCAM White Paper

The OCCAM White Paper aims to advance knowledge on a) how educational outcomes and quality are measured throughout the world and on b) the educational and political forces that shape learning environments and affect educational outcomes. We aim to publish research related to international assessments like PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS, TALIS, and ICCS including substantive analyses, technical notes, and critical comments. It aims to establish itself as a reliable source for information on comparative education for non-academic audiences (journalists, teachers, unions, and other non-academic stakeholders).

Download the OCCAM White Paper here.



  • Majoros, E. (2023). Linking the first- and second-phase IEA studies on mathematics and science. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 11(14). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40536-023-00162-y
  • Steinmann, I., Strello, A. & Strietholt, R. (2023). The Effects of Early Between-School Tracking on Gender Segregation and Gender Gaps in Achievement: A Differences-in-Differences Study. School Effectiveness and School Improvement. https://doi.org/10.1080/09243453.2023.2165510


  • Konstantinidou, E. & Kyriakides, L. (2022). Instructional engagement and student learning outcomes: Direct and indirect effects based on country-specific contingencies. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 73, 101144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2022.101144
  • Konstantinidou, E. & Scherer, R. (2022). Teaching with technology: A large-scale, international, and multilevel study of the roles of teacher and school characteristics. Computers & Education, 179, 104424. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2021.104424
  • Majoros, E., Cuellar, E., Christiansen, A. (2022). Motivation towards mathematics from 1980 to 2015: Exploring the feasibility of trend scaling. Studies in Educational Evaluation
  • Salinas, E., Stancel-Piątak, A., & Nicaise, I. (2022). Who caters for the teacher’s needs? The role of teachers’ working conditions for students’ achievement and motivation in selected TIMSS 2015 countries. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 3, 100196. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.IJEDRO.2022.100196
  • Strello, A., Strietholt, R., & Steinmann, I. (2022). Does tracking increase segregation? International evidence on the effects of between-school tracking on social school segregation. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rssm.2022.100689


  • Cares Osorio, G., Salinas Valdivieso, E. (2021). The Influence of International Civic and Citizenship Studies on Education in Chile. In: B. Malak-Minkiewicz, J. Torney-Purta (Eds.), Influences of the IEA Civic and Citizenship Studies on Education in Participating Countries, Chapt. 3, (25-36). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-030-71101-6. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-71102-3  Open Access
  • Cuellar, E., Partchev, I., Zwitser, R., & Bechger, T. (2021). Making sense out of measurement non-invariance: how to explore differences among educational systems in international large-scale assessments, Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33, 1, 9–25. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11092-021-09355-x
  • Glassow, L. N., Rolfe, V., & Yang Hansen, K. (2021). Assessing the comparability of teacher-related constructs in TIMSS 2015 across 46 education systems: an alignment optimization approach. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33, 1, 105-137. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11092-020-09348-2
  • Häs, S., Anders, J., Jerrim, J. & Shure, N.. (2021). Educational expectations of UK teenagers and the role of socio-economic status and economic preferences (CEPEO Working Paper No. 21-11). Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities, UCL.
  • Majoros, E., Rosén, M., Johansson, S., & Gustafsson, J.-E. (2021). Measures of long-term trends in mathematics: Linking large-scale assessments over 50 years. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33, 1, 71-103. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11092-021-09353-z
  • Sancassani, P. (2021). The Effect of Teacher Characteristics on Students’ Science Achievement. ifo Working Paper No. 348. https://www.ifo.de/publikationen/2021/working-paper/effect-teacher-characteristics-students-science-achievement
  • Steinmann, I., Strietholt, R., & Braeken, J. (2021). A Constrained Factor Mixture Analysis Model for Consistent and Inconsistent Respondents to Mixed-Worded Scales. Psychological Methods. https://doi.org/10.1037/met0000392
  • Strello, A., Strietholt, R., Steinmann, I., & Siepmann, C. (2021). Early Tracking and Different Types of Inequalities in Achievement: Difference-in-Differences Evidence from 20 Years of Large-scale Assessments. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33, 1, 139-167. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11092-020-09346-4
  • Strietholt, R., Rosén, M., & Gladushyna, O. (Eds.) (2021). The integrity of educational outcome measures in international assessments. Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Accountability, 33, 1, Special Issue. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11092-021-09354-y
  • Veletić, J., & Olsen, R. V. (2021). Exploring school leadership profiles across the world: A cluster analysis approach to TALIS 2018. International Journal of Leadership in Education, https://doi.org/10.1080/13603124.2021.1953612 
  • Veletić, J., & Olsen, R. V. (2021). Developing a shared cluster construct of instructional leadership in TALIS. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 68, 100942. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stueduc.2020.100942 


  • Anders, J., Has, S., Jerrim, J., Shure, N., & Zieger, L. (2020). Is Canada really an education superpower? The impact of non-participation on results from PISA 2015. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33, 1, 229-249. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11092-020-09329-5 
  • Christiansen, A., Janssen, R. (2020). Item position effects in listening but not in reading in the European Survey of Language Competences. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33, 1, 49-69. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11092-020-09335-7
  • Christiansen, A., Janssen, R., & Bayes, C. L. (2020). Screening for aberrant school performances in high-stakes assessments using in influential analysis. International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education, 5(2), https://doi.org/10.1504/IJQRE.2020.111451
  • Gladushyna, O., Strietholt, R. & Steinmann, I. (2020). Disentangling general achievement levels and subject-specific strengths and weaknesses in mathematics, reading, and science. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33, 1, 203-227. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11092-020-09352-6 
  • Häs, S., Anders, J., & Shure, N. (2020). Monetary and time investments in children’s education: How do they differ in workless households? In CEPEO Working Paper Series (Working Paper No. 20–10; CEPEO Working Paper Series). Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities, UCL Institute of Education. Available from here
  • Mejía-Rodríguez, A. M., Luyten, H., & Meelissen, M. R. M. (2020). Gender differences in mathematics self-concept across the world: An exploration of student and parent data of TIMSS 2015. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-020-10100-x 
  • Ye, W., Strietholt, R., & Blömeke, S. (2020). Academic resilience: Underlying norms and validity of definitions. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33, 1, 169-202. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11092-020-09351-7
  • Zieger, L. R., Jerrim, J., Anders, J., & Shure, N. (2020). Conditioning: How background variables can influence PISA scores. CEPEO Working Paper Series 20(09), Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities, UCL Institute of Education. Available from here


  • Franck, E. & Nicaise, I. (2019) De invloed van school- en systeemkenmerken op (on)gelijke onderwijsuitkomsten naar sociale herkomst en thuistaal: vergelijkende analyse op PISA 2015. Leuven: HIVA / Hamburg: IEA/ Gent: Steunpunt Onderwijsonderzoek Available from here


The blog “www.international-education.blog” addresses OCCAM-related research questions. Both researchers from inside and outside the ETN OCCAM are welcome to publish their work.

The blog “www.international-education.blog” aims to advance knowledge on a) how educational outcomes and quality are measured throughout the world and on b) the educational and political forces that shape learning environments and affect educational outcomes. We aim to publish research related to international assessments like PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS, TALIS, and ICCS including substantive analyses, technical notes, and critical comments. It aims to establish itself as a reliable source for information on comparative education for non-academic audiences (journalists, teachers, unions, and other non-academic stakeholders). To reach international audiences the blog is available in different languages.

Conference Symposia

The ETN OCCAM organizes symposia at different international and interdisciplinary conferences. In the conferences, OCCAM-related research projects of ESRs and senior researchers are presented to and discussed with an interdisciplinary audience of experts.
  1. Gustafsson, J.-E., Rosén, M., Steinmann, I. & Strietholt, R. (2019, August). Outcomes and Their Determinants in International Comparative Assessments Part I. Symposium at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Hamburg
    • Presentation 1: Olesya Gladushyna, Rolf Strietholt, and Andrés Strello on Are PISA Top-Performers Good Citizens?
    • Presentation 2: Monica Rosén, Erika Majoros, Stefan Johansson, & Jan-Eric Gustafsson on Aiming for Measures of Long-Term Trends in Grade 8 Mathematics: Bridges from FIMS to TIMSS2015
    • Presentation 3: Jake Anders, Silvan Häs, Nikki Shure, & Laura Zieger on Is Canada Really an Education “Super Power”? Non-Response and Representativeness in PISA
    • Chair: Isa Steinmann
    • Discussant: Leslie Rutkowski
  2. Gustafsson, J.-E., Rosén, M., Steinmann, I. & Strietholt, R. (2019, August). Outcomes and Their Determinants in International Comparative Assessments Part II. Symposium at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Hamburg
    • Presentation 1: Ana María Mejía Rodríguez & Leonidas Kyriakides on What Makes Countries More Effective Than Others in Promoting Quality and Equity in Education? A Systematic Review of the Literature
    • Presentation 2: Jan Van Damme, Kim Bellens, & Wim Van Den Noortgate on Do Changes in Instructional Time and Professional Development Explain Changes in Achievement at the Country/System Level?
    • Presentation 3: Jelena Veletić & Rolf Vegar Olsen on Instructional Leadership as a Predictor of Teachers’ Job Satisfaction
    • Presentation 4: Andrés Strello & Rolf Strietholt on The Effect of Early Tracking on Social Segregation in the School System: International Difference-in-Differences
    • Chair: Jan-Eric Gustafsson
    • Discussant: Janna Teltemann
  3. Gustafsson, J.-E., Rosén, M., Steinmann, I. & Strietholt, R. (2019, August). Outcomes and Their Determinants in International Comparative Assessments Part III. Symposium at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Hamburg
    • Presentation 1: Evi E. Konstantinidou & Leonidas Kyriakides on The Impact of Generic and Domain-Specific Teaching Practices on Student Achievement: A Systematic Literature Review
    • Presentation 2: Leah Glassow-Hill, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Elisa Salinas, & Ides Nicaise on A Longitudinal Cross-Country Account of the Distribution of Teacher Quality: A Twelve-Year Perspective from TIMSS 2003–2015
    • Presentation 3: Wangqiong Ye & Sigrid Blömeke on The Role of Student and School Characteristics in Academic Resilience: A Comparison of Scandinavian and
      Asian Countries
    • Presentation 4: Victoria Rolfe, Rolf Strietholt, & Kajsa Yang Hansen on Examining the Changing Relationship between Socioeconomic Status, Opportunity to Learn and Achievement in Mathematics and Science
    • Chair: Monica Rosén
    • Discussant: David Rutkowski
  4. Steinmann, I. & Strietholt, R. (2020, conference cancelled). Using International Large-Scale Assessments to Study Educational Effectiveness. Symposium at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States of America
    • Presentation 1: Jan A. Van Damme, Kim Bellens, & Wim Van den Noortgate on Does Instructional Time and Professional Development Of Teachers Explain Reading Achievement At The Country Level?
    • Presentation 2: Elisa Salinas & Ides Nicaise on Exploring Between Country Variations In The Association Between Teacher Qualifications And Student Achievement
    • Presentation 3: Emilie Franck, Agnes Stancel-Piątak, & Ides Nicaise on System-Level Determinants Of Socioeconomic Inequalities In Cognitive Outcomes: A Comparative Analysis With PISA 2015
    • Presentation 4: Eric A. Hanushek, Pietro Sancassani, & Ludger Woessmann on Preparing Teachers: An International Perspective
    • Presentation 5: Silvan Häs on Parental Investments In Education – How Do Children From A Workless Background Compare?
    • Chair: Isa Steinmann
    • Discussant: Hanna Dumont
  5. Steinmann, I., Strietholt, R., & Gustafsson, J.-E. (2020, conference cancelled). Outcomes in International Large-Scale Assessments Part I: The Connection between Home and School. Symposium at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Glasgow, United Kingdom
    • Presentation 1: Leah Natasha Glassow & John Jerrim on Assessing the Opportunity Gap in Access to Qualified Teachers: International Evidence from 16 Years of TIMSS
    • Presentation 2: Silvan Has on Monetary and Time Investments in the Education of Children Living in Jobless Households
    • Presentation 3: Wolfram Schulz & Julian Fraillon on The Influence of Home and School Factors on Lower-Secondary Students’ Computer and Information Literacy and Computational Thinking Skills
    • Chair: Rolf Strietholt
    • Discussant: Monica Rosén
  6. Steinmann, I., Strietholt, R., & Gustafsson, J.-E. (2020, conference cancelled). Outcomes in International Large-Scale Assessments Part II: Teacher and School Factors. Symposium at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Glasgow, United Kingdom
    • Presentation 1: Victoria Rolfe & Kajsa Yang-Hansen on Does Teacher Specialisation Make a Difference to Opportunity to Learn?
    • Presentation 2: Jelena Veletić & Rolf Vegar Olsen on Exploring School Leadership Profiles across the World: A Cluster Analysis Approach of TALIS
    • Presentation 3: Wolfram Schulz, Bruno Losito, & Valeria Damian on Young People’s Attitudes toward Europe and their Sense of European Identity
    • Presentation 4: Pietro Sancassani on What Teacher Credentials Matter for Students’ Science Achievement?
    • Chair: Isa Steinmann
    • Discussant: Sigrid Blömeke
  7. Steinmann, I., Strietholt, R., & Gustafsson, J.-E. (2020, conference cancelled). Outcomes in International Large-Scale Assessments Part III: Country-Level Conditions for Student Learning. Symposium at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Glasgow, United Kingdom
    • Presentation 1: Elisa Salinas & Diego Carrasco on Building a Typology on Teacher Job Demands and Resources. An Exploratory Analysis Using TALIS 2018
    • Presentation 2: Ana Maria Mejia-Rodriguez & Leonidas Kyriakides on Assessing the Link between Student Achievement and Cultural Values: Secondary Analysis of PISA 2018
    • Presentation 3: Andrés Strello, Rolf Strietholt, Isa Steinmann, & Charlotte Siepmann on Early Tracking and Different Types of Inequalities in Achievement: Difference-in-Differences Evidence from 20 Years of Large-scale Assessments
    • Presentation 4: Emilie Franck, Agnes Stancel-Piątak, & Ides Nicaise on System-Level Determinants of Language-Based Inequalities in Cognitive Outcomes: A Comparative Analysis with PISA 2018
    • Chair: Jan-Eric Gustafsson
    • Discussant: Jan Van Damme
  8. Steinmann, I., Strietholt, R., & Gustafsson, J.-E. (2020, conference cancelled). Outcomes in International Large-Scale Assessments Part IV: Consistency of Measures and Scales. Symposium at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Glasgow, United Kingdom
    • Presentation 1: Erika Majoros, Andrés Christiansen, Monica Rosén, & Jan-Eric Gustafsson onFour Decades of Measuring Attitude towards Mathematics
    • Presentation 2: Olesya Gladushyna & Rolf Strietholt on Measuring Education: Do We Need a Plethora of Assessment Studies or Just a Single Score?
    • Presentation 3: Evi Evropi Konstantinidou & Sigrid Blömeke on Searching for Criteria Consistency Across Countries and Outcomes: The Salience of Instructional Quality
    • Presentation 4: Wangqiong Ye, Rolf Strietholt, & Sigrid Blömeke on Explore Academic Resilience Across Countries: International or National Definition
    • Chair: Rolf Strietholt
    • Discussant: Rianne Janssen
  9. Steinmann, I., Strietholt, R., & Gustafsson, J.-E. (2020, conference cancelled). Outcomes in International Large-Scale Assessments Part V: Consequences of Methodological Choices. Symposium at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Glasgow, United Kingdom
    • Presentation 1: Andrés Christiansen & Rianne Janssen on The Effects of Incorrect Answer Substitution in PIRLS 2016
    • Presentation 2: Laura Zieger, John Jerrim, Jake Anders, & Nikki Shure on Conditioning: How Background Variables Influence PISA Scores
    • Presentation 3: Edwin Cuellar, Ivailo Partchev, Timo Bechger, & Maarten Marsman on Exploring Measurement Non-Invariance Among Countries in International Large-Scale Assessments Using Biplots and Biclustering
    • Chair: Isa Steinmann
    • Discussant: Eugene Gonzalez
  10. Strietholt, R. & Steinmann, I. (2021, April). Unequal Opportunities and Unequal Outcomes: International Evidence. Symposium at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, digital conference
    • Presentation 1: Silvan Häs on Investments in the Education of Children Growing Up in Jobless Household: Causal Evidence From the Millennium Cohort Study
    • Presentation 2: Wangqiong Ye, Rolf Strietholt, & Sigrid Blömeke on Explore Academic Resilience Across Countries: International or National Definition
    • Presentation 3: Olesya Gladushyna, Rolf Strietholt, & Isa Steinmann on Educational Gap Among Fourth Graders: Subject-Specific Strength and Weaknesses by Country, Gender, and Language Background
    • Presentation 4: Emilie Franck, Leah Natasha Glassow, Agnes Stancel-Piątak, & Ides Nicaise on Stratification, Standardization, and the Socioeconomic Student and School Inequity: A comparative Analysis with PISA 2018
    • Chair: Laura Zieger
    • Discussant: Eugene Gonzalez
  11. Steinmann, I. & Strietholt, R. (2021, April). Future Directions of Educational Measurement in International Large-Scale Assessments. Symposium at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, digital conference
    • Presentation 1: Laura Zieger & John Jerrim on The Effect of Conditioning Model Choice: A Simulation Study
    • Presentation 2: Edwin Cuellar Caicedo, Timo Bechger, Maarten Marsman, & Gunter Maris on Differential Item Functioning Analysis in International Large-Scale Assessments: From a Traditional to a Network Perspective
    • Presentation 3: Andrés Christiansen & Rianne Janssen on The Effects of Incorrect Answer Substitution in PIRLS
    • Presentation 4: Isa Steinmann, Johan Braeken, & Rolf Strietholt on Identifying Inconsistent Respondents to Mixed-Worded Scales in Large-Scale Assessments
    • Chair: Isa Steinmann
    • Discussant: Eugene Gonzalez

Further Conference Presentations

The ESRs and senior researchers present work in single presentations at numerous international and interdisciplinary conferences to both academic and non-academic audiences. Below, you find an alphabetical list of single presentations in OCCAM:
  • Konstantinidou, E. E. (2021, April). Revisiting Instructional Quality: A Theoretical Extension to Encompass Cognitive Outcomes by Testing Three Alternative Models. Roundtable presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, digital conference
  • Mejía Rodríguez, A. M. & Kyriakides, L. (2021, April). Assessing the Link Between National Culture Dimensions and Student Achievement in PISA 2018. Roundtable presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, digital conference
  • Christiansen, A. & Janssen, R. (2019, July). Influential analysis for detecting aberrant school performances in high-stakes assessments. Presentation at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), Santiago, Chile.
  • Christiansen, A. & Janssen, R. (2019, August). Influential analysis in high-stakes assessments for detecting atypical school results​. Presentation at the Conference of the Junior Researchers of EARLI (JURE), Aachen, Germany.
  • Christiansen, A. & Janssen, R. (2019, November). Transformation during assessment: practice effects during the ESLC listening test. Presentation at the Association for Educational Assessment – Europe (AEA-Europe) Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.​
  • Cuellar, E., Partchev, I., Bechger, T. & Marsman, M. (2020, July). What can we learn from DIF analysis in large-scale assessments? Digital presentation at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), Maryland, USA.
  • Franck, E. & Nicaise, I. (2019, October). Trends in de sociale ongelijkheid in het Vlaamse onderwijs. Een vergelijking tussen PISA 2003 en PISA 2015. Presentation at the SONO Research Day, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Gladushyna, O., Strietholt, R., & Steinmann, I. (2019, June). Nerds or Polymaths? Performance Profiles at the End of Primary Education. Presentation at the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) 8th International Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Glassow, L.N., Franck, E., & Yang Hansen, K. (2019, June). School autonomy and the distribution of teacher quality. Presentation at the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) 8th International Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Majoros, E., Rosén, M., Johansson, S., & Gustafsson, J.-E. (2019, June) Aiming for measures of long-term trends in Grade 8 mathematics: Bridges from SIMS to TIMSS 2015. Presentation at the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) 8th International Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Steinmann, I., Strietholt, R., & Rosén, M. (2019, April). International Reading Gaps between Boys and Girls from 1970-2011. Presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
  • Strello, A., Strietholt, R., Siepmann, C., Steinmann, I. (2019, July). Effects of Early Tracking on Inequalities in Achievement: Combined Evidence from PIRLS, TIMSS, and PISA. Poster presentation at the 5th Dortmund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research, Dortmund, Germany.
  • Strello, A., Strietholt, R., Siepmann, C., Steinmann, I. (2019, June). Effects of Early Tracking on Performance and Inequalities in Achievement: Combined Evidence from PIRLS, TIMSS, and PISA. Presentation at the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) 8th International Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.