Kickoff of the ETN OCCAM
22 August 2018, Dortmund, Germany

(Download full program here)
Chaired by Jan-Eric Gustafsson, University of Gothenburg |
Welcome Speeches
Gabriele Sadowski, Prorector Research, TU Dortmund University |
Wilfried Bos, Director, Center for Research on Education and School Development (IFS), TU Dortmund University (download presentation here) |
OCCAM Introduction and ESR Projects
- Research Training in the 21st Century: The ETN OCCAM, Rolf Strietholt, TU Dortmund University (download presentation here)
- Early Stage Researcher Project Presentation, Emilie Franck, International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (download presentation here)
- Early Stage Researcher Project Presentation, Laura Zieger, University College London (download presentation here)

- Building Blocks for Educational Measurement – A Psychometric Perspective, Rianne Janssen, KU Leuven
- Criteria and Factors of Educational Effectiveness – An Educational Perspective, Leonidas Kyriakides, University of Cyprus (download presentation here)
- What can be Gained From International Analyses? – An Economic Perspective, Guido Schwerdt, University of Konstanz (download presentation here)

First Network-Wide Training
23-31 August 2018, Dortmund, Germany
(Download full program here)
Thematic Workshop
Theoretical and Methodological Advances in Educational Effectiveness Research
- Organized by Leonidas Kyriakides, University of Cyprus
- Lectured by Leonidas Kyriakides, University of Cyprus
Methodological Workshop
Databases, Data Management, Missing Data
- Organized by Agnes Stancel-Piątak, International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement
- Lectured by Eugenio J. Gonzalez, Educational Testing Service & Daniel Caro, University of Oxford
Complementary Workshop
Research Ethics, Networking Skills, Project Design, Time Planning
- Organized by Monica Rosén, University of Gothenburg & Cor Sluijter, CITO
- Lectured by Monica Rosén & Jan-Eric Gustafsson, University of Gothenburg & Agnes Stancel-Piątak & Nathalie Mertes, International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement
Organisational and Supervision Meetings
- First General Meeting of Senior and Early Stage Researchers
- Panel Group Meetings of Early Stage Researchers with their supervisors and secondment hosts
- Supervisory Board Meeting of Senior Researchers

Networking Meeting of the Early Stage Researchers
19-22 October 2018, Grainau, Germany
(Download full program here)
Complementary Workshop
Diversity Workshop
- Organized by Isa Steinmann, TU Dortmund University
- Lectured by Isa Steinmann, TU Dortmund University
Open Space
Cooperation in Academic Writing
- Organized by Rolf Strietholt, TU Dortmund University
- Lectured by Rolf Strietholt, TU Dortmund University

Second Network-Wide Training
12-22 March 2019, Nicosia, Cyprus
(Download full program here)

Thematic Workshop
Global Education Governance and Large Scale Assessments:
Theory, Research, Policy
- Organized by Heinz-Dieter Meyer, State University of Albany
- Lectured by Heinz-Dieter Meyer & Aaron Benavot, State University of Albany & Jeremy Rappleye & Hikaru Komatsu, Kyoto University
Methodological Workshops
Psychometrics and Cross Cultural Validity: Inferences from Complex Sample
- Organized by Eugenio J. Gonzalez, Educational Testing Service & Wolfram Schulz, Australian Council for Educational Research
- Lectured by Eugenio J. Gonzalez, Educational Testing Service & Wolfram Schulz, Australian Council for Educational Research
Causal Inference from International Comparisons: Differences-in-Differences, Instrumental Variable, Regression Discontinuity
- Organized by Marc Piopiunik, ifo Institute
- Lectured by Marc Piopiunik, ifo Institute
Complementary Workshop
Dissemination: Academic Blog
- Organized by Rolf Strietholt, TU Dortmund University
- Lectured by John Jerrim, University College London & Rolf Strietholt, TU Dortmund University
Organisational and Supervision Meetings
- Second General Meeting of Senior and Early Stage Researchers
- Project Check of the OCCAM Network and the REA Project Officer
- First Progress Assessment Colloquium and Panel Group Meetings of Early Stage Researchers with their supervisors and secondment hosts
- Supervisory Board Meeting of Senior Researchers

Third Network-Wide Training
16-25 September 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden
(Download full program here)

Thematic Workshop
Theoretical Foundations and Operationalization of Educational Inequality and Justice
- Organized by Rolf Strietholt, TU Dortmund University
- Lectured by Gert Biesta, Maynooth University, University of Humanistic Studies Utrecht & Camilla Borgna, Collegio Carlo Alberto Turin & Ides Nicaise, KU Leuven & Rolf Strietholt, TU Dortmund University & Lorella Terzi, University of Roehampton London
Methodological Workshops
COMPEAT and OCCAM Database, Linking and Scaling
- Organized by Jan-Eric Gustafsson, University of Gothenburg
- Lectured by Edwin Cuellar, CITO & Erika Majoros, University of Gothenburg & Monica Rosén, University of Gothenburg & Isa Steinmann, TU Dortmund University & Robert Zwitser, University of Amsterdam
Complementary Workshop
Academic Writing and Presentation Skills
- Organized by John Jerrim, University College London
- Lectured by Jake Anders, University College London & Nikki Shure, University College London & Isa Steinmann, TU Dortmund University
Organisational and Supervision Meetings
- Third General Meeting of Senior and Early Stage Researchers
- Second Progress Assessment Colloquium I: Early Stage Researchers’ Progress Evaluation
- Second Progress Assessment Colloquium II: Roundtable Discussions of Early Stage Researchers’ Research
- Second Progress Assessment Colloquium III: Panel Group Meetings of Early Stage Researchers with their supervisors and secondment hosts
- Supervisory Board Meeting of Senior Researchers

Keynote Lectures
- The Global Increase in the Global Socioeconomic Achievement Gap, 1964 to 2015 by Anna Katyn Chmielewski, University of Toronto
- Cognitive Abilities and Schooling by Jan-Eric Gustafsson, University of Gothenburg
- Teacher Competence and Instructional Quality: Conceptualization, Assessment and Results by Sigrid Blömeke, University of Oslo

The ESRs spent six-month research and training stays at OCCAM organizations. They made additional international, intersectorial, and interdisciplinary experiences and advanced their knowledge, skills, and research projects.
Most secondments took place between September 2019 and February 2020. |

Networking Meeting of the Early Stage Researchers
25-26 January 2020, Rome, Italy

Writing Workshop
- Roundtable sessions with peer-feedback on academic papers
- Blog post writing workshop
Conference Meeting
Digital Meeting 24-27 August 2020
(Download program here)

Organisational and Supervision Meetings
- Supervisory Board Meeting of Senior Researchers
- Fourth General Meeting of Senior and Early Stage Researchers
- Third Progress Assessment Colloquium and Panel Group Meetings of Early Stage Researchers with their supervisors and secondment hosts
Complementary Workshop
Career Development and Guidance
- Organized by Rolf Vegar Olsen, University of Oslo
- Lectured by Rolf Vegar Olsen, University of Oslo & Nikki Shure, University College London & Isa Steinmann, TU Dortmund University & Rolf Strietholt, TU Dortmund University & Kajsa Yang Hansen, University of Gothenburg & Agnes Stancel-Piątak, IEA
Short Research Visits
November 2020
OCCAM Digital Conference
Digital Meeting 15-16 April 2021
(Download program here)

- Beyond Schools: The Social Embeddedness of Educational Inequality by Heike Solga, WZB (Berlin Social Science Center) (download slides here)
- Can Mentoring Alleviate Family Disadvantage in Adolescence? A Field Experiment to Improve Labor-Market Prospects by Ludger Wößmann, ifo Institute (download slides here and paper here)
Closing Ceremony of the ETN OCCAM
11 June 2021, Brussels, Belgium (Digital Conference)
(Download program here)

Follow-Up Conference of the ETN OCCAM
05-07 November 2021, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
(Download program here)